Postdoctoral researcher at ENS
In October 2023 I joined the Multiscale Physics of Living Systems group in the physics department of the École Normale Supérieure. Hosted by Dr. Jeanneret, I will focus on understanding fundamental aspects of phototaxis in microalgae.
ASN—National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in physics of matter (02/D1)
Habilitation by the Italian Ministry of Education that deems me eligible for an Associate Professor position in apllied physics, based on a peer-reviewed assessment of my academic achievements.
ASN—National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in physics of matter (02/B1)
Habilitation by the Italian Ministry of Education that deems me eligible for an Associate Professor position in experimental physics of matter, based on a peer-reviewed assessment of my academic achievements.

PhD cerimony
Covid tried to put us apart, but I managed to get my hand on my PhD.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship
In 2021 I was awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship by the Paris Region. This fellowship allowed me to start, hosted by the lab of Prof. Gigan, my independent project on the study of active mattter in optical fields.

Italy made me award, mention of honour
Awarded by the Embassy of Italy in London to early-career Italian researchers across the United Kingdom.
Postdoctoral researcher at LKB
In October 2020 I moved to Paris to start my work as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Gigan at the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel.
Oustanding thesis award
Awarded by the Chemistry department of the University of Cambridge for the best PhD thesis of the year.

PhD viva
In July 2020 I passed my PhD exam with no corrections.
Top three contributions, Bionic Award
Award by VDI (The Association of German Engineers) to outstanding contribution by a young scientist/researcher for the development of a biomimetic product or for the development of a biomimetic product or for a bachelor/master/doctoral/post doctoral thesis.

Enterprise Tech graduate
Ten-weeks programme providing a foundational perspective on innovative and entrepreneurial practices provided by the Judge Business School of the University of Cambridge. My final project was to write, and present in front a jury, a market report for an healthcare startup. I was awarded a distinction.

Organisation of the SPP conference
Co-creator, finance and sponsor chair of the Science, Policy and Public conference. This conference, that took place in Cambridge, involved >100 researchers, politicians and science divulgators with the goal of exploring the relationship between science, policy and the public in Italy.

Paolo Mazzoldi prize
Awarded by the S.I.F. (Italian Society of Physics) to the best young (<4 years from graduation) Italian physicist in the field of physics of matter.
Start PhD
In October 2020 I joined the University of Cambridge as a PhD student in the group of Prof. Vignolini.

Master of Science in Physics
I graduated from the University of Calabria, with a primary focus on optics and soft matter.